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How to reset your Each Person password

Step 1.

Open or go to and click ‘Log in’ in the top right corner.

Step 2.

Enter your email address. Make sure not to include any spaces or capital letters. If entered correctly, the password box will appear.

Step 3.

Click ‘Forgot your password?’ and enter your email address.

Step 4.

Check your email inbox for an email containing a unique code to use in the top box. Then enter your new password in the relevant boxes.
Ensure that you do not close the log in window throughout this process otherwise you will have to begin again.

Step 5.

Go back to the log in page and enter your email address with the new unique password.

Step 6.

You will be prompted to enter a new password. Enter this to complete your password reset.


If you are an SSO user and you log in through your workplace's internal platform, you will need to contact your workplace administration for support with this.

 If you do not receive your email, contact our support team at

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